Infant School
Our Infant Department
Research has shown that the earlier a child is exposed to diversity and discovery, the better prepared they become to Aspire Achieve and Succeed during all phases of life. At Riverside Infant Department, we encourage children to have fun as they foster social skills, participate in creative expression, question and understand concepts, and develop perceptual and gross motor skills. Our preschool enrichment programs centre on exposure, exploration and discovery. We never push children into situations but we provide a rich and caring environment where the learning processes can blossom at a very young age. This fun, creative approach gives children the confidence to try new things and instils a lifelong love for learning.
Reading transcends class, race, age, and gender. It’s a free magic carpet ride to anywhere on Earth (or beyond), at any point in time. Every child, regardless of age or ability, deserves to be able to access the written word. Readers who go on to develop a life-long love of literature not only decode, segment, and blend with ease, they have a genuine adoration for the power of prose. In order to stimulate a lasting love of reading, it’s crucial that we build a strong reading culture in schools.
As a school we would like to lay a very strong foundation in reading in our Infant Department and develop a reading culture. No child should move to the Junior Department with difficulties in reading.
All of our dedicated and skilled staff work hard to ensure the children achieve their best and work in partnership with parents to succeed in this aim. We believe that it is important that the children in our Infant Department experience a rich and varied curriculum which is stimulating and interesting and which is delivered in a variety of ways.
We offer the following subjects:
Heritage Studies
Physical Education
Visual and Performing Arts
The Cambridge International Curriculum is utilized to deliver English, Mathematics, Science and Global Perspectives.
Consultation Day
This is held at the end of the First and Third terms. Parents are invited to visit the classrooms and talk to the teachers about their child’s progress. Teachers are always available and willing to speak to parents at other times by appointment.
School Clubs and Trips
As part of our cultural pursuits, many and various Clubs are offered and every child is required to be a member of at least one. These are held once a week on a Wednesday afternoon. Class trips take place once a Term. Grades I & 2 enjoy a morning away trip.
We will be offering a range of extra-curricular after school clubs next Year for Grade 1 & 2.
Some clubs have limited numbers to maintain the safety and enjoyment of the children attending that club.
Each child will be allocated one of their choices and an invitation with more specific club details will be sent home.
After School Clubs
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
- Catchup (Grade 1 and 2 Learners)
- Beadmaking Club
- Book Club
- Gymnastics
- Swimming
- Library Adventures
- Maths Games and Puzzles
Our desire is for Riverside Infant Department Learners is to Aspire, Achieve and Succeed and to be confident, independent and resilient learners. We regularly conduct a tour of the school. Please contact the school office to book a place for the School tour.