Where will you venture to?

Deputy Head - Riverside Junior School


Riverside School has been designed to ensure that children in our care will enjoy the very best possible start. We aim to provide to our students the opportunities to develop and succeed whilst enjoying a safe and happy learning environment nurturing a sense of social responsibility and respect. It is our constant aim to bring out the best in our children and to provide a well-rounded experience for every child.
Early Learning Centre
Junior School
Senior School
Milka's Boarding School


Our Mission

Riverside School being a Christian Institution we believe everyone is precious in the sight of God and we value the gifts they bring. We seek to develop a love of learning and we place equal importance upon academic, moral, social, physical and spiritual development, actively value and celebrate diversity, nurturing personal growth by being proudly inclusive and truly international.

Brighter Future

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We’re excited to welcome your child to our vibrant learning community! We provide a nurturing environment where children thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

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